We Are Here For You
021-55912108 tersedia di jam kerja (Non- Toll Free / Kena Biaya / Luar Negeri)
Service Ticket kami tersedia 24 Jam Senin – Minggu (Termasuk hari libur nasional)
Temukan lokasi service center kamiĀ untuk kenyamanan dan kemudahan kunjungan serta kerja sama.
Ikuti channel online kami untuk informasi, update, dan kenyamanan serta kemudahan anda.
Get ready to broaden your business by becoming our distributors anywhere anytime.
Get to know the high-quality and low-cost Thermal Inkjet Printers in simple step.
Choose the best solution for your industry which suits you well.
We understand sometimes its hard to choose the right one.
Don’t worry. We’re prepared and your products being covered.